ORIGIN // Honduras + Rwanda
IMPORTER // Finca Terrerito + Higa Coffee
ALTITUDE // 1,000-2,000 MASL
VARIETIES // Parainema, Lempira, Red Bourbon
TASTE NOTES // Familiar, Sweet, All Day Drinker
Copilot. Someone who assists and helps you in your journey. The perfect name for our flagship coffee.
We have formulated Copilot to help you brew a fantastic cup of coffee without need to dial in all the bells and whistles. Coffee that tastes great black. That you can pull as a shot of espresso without having to spend hours finding that right dial. Something to bring back to the family that they can all enjoy. That's Copilot - and it's got your back.
The composition of Copilot will change with seasonally fresh coffees, but the overall idea will stay the same. We're looking for a round chocolate type body with a rich, sweet aftertaste and subtle brightness (acidity) that reminds us of freshly picked apples
Trust your Copilot. They've got your back.